Welcome to my blog, where a 30-something couple from the UK renovate and extend an old cottage, build some outbuildings, raise some hens and grow firewood trees and vegetables on our Acre in Hampshire. It's a bit like a smallholding but without too many animals, so we call it a homestead - living within our means, relying on ourselves and having a wonderful life!


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Barn Groundworks - condensed!

It has been properly manic here for the last fortnight since my last blog update. The good news is that the groundworks are mostly done - we are just waiting on a few bits to finish off.

Here's how the last two weeks have been;

Kit. Proper Kit. This is the site of the Barn with Groundworker Richard's JCB, mini dumper and very gucci Kubota excavator. My Landy looks on forlornly, feeling inadequate for lack of anything hydraulic...

The guys quickly scraped out some trenches. They really are some trenches - over a metre deep, in order to reach through the layer of sticky clay which lies under the topsoil. 

The next day, three concrete trucks came (I was at work so missed all the excitement...) and poured the trench fill concrete for the barn. I stuck my GoPro to a pole to get some drone-looking pics.

Fast-forward a week and the block guys have been in - this is the outline of the barn, and the beams (whenever they arrive...) will span from the centre line to the outer row of engineering bricks. 

You'll notice the power distribution board in the top right of the barn - our sparky did a ton of work in one day to get power from the consumer unit in the kitchen, through the attic above the downstairs loo, down the side of the house, through a trench and into the barn. He has wired a waterproof consumer unit and socket to the post, in order that I can run my power tools on the slab when I'm machining the oak for the barn frame. There is also a spur from this distribution board to the new sewage treatment plant (top left in the pic below...) to power the aeration pump and treated water lift pump. 

We also fed a water line from the house supply to the Barn - and even fitted a stop cock, which we didn't have before!

Next - the extension...

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